About Hospitality Minnesota
If you’re noticing some differences at this year’s Conference & EXPO, there’s a reason.
Hospitality Minnesota is looking to a brighter, more dynamic future!
For more than 80 years, the associations that make up Hospitality Minnesota – the Minnesota Lodging Association, the Minnesota Restaurant Association and the Minnesota Resort and Campground Association—have been serving Minnesota’s hospitality industry leaders. Through events and programs, legislative advocacy and allied benefits and service, each association have acted mostly independently to serve its membership. Given changes in each of the three segments, and the industry as a whole, the structure that worked in the past won’t work in the future. Going forward, we’ll be looking for ways to become more integrated ways to advance hospitality, for Minnesota. We’re excited about the shape of things to come, in everything we do, as our boards deliberate on what a new kind of relationship could look like.
Questions: Email Moe@HospitalityMN.com
Technical Support: help@voicehive.com