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8:00-9:00am Registration, Coffee and Social Hour
9:00-9:45am Educational Breakout Session
Crisis Communications - Room 2-3
When things blow up – literally or figuratively – what do you do? The clock is ticking and every minute counts. A swift and effective communications response can be critical to your continued success. Join Tom Jollie from Padilla for a session filled with real-world tools, case studies and best practices on the steps you need to take when communicating in a crisis.
Tom Jollie, APR, Senior Vice President, PadillaEvaluation
Mental Health in the Workplace - Room 4-5
You know that mental health issues and recovery are part of your workplace dynamics. Are you prepared to address them? Is your culture supportive in positive ways? What can you do to create the healthiest environment for your people? Join Anne Spaeth, Melissa Kjolsing, Sarah Webster Norton and Babette Apland for this session on how to create the best culture for positive mental and physical health in your workplace, and to learn about what kind of supports are most useful and available to your employees.
Anne Spaeth, Owner, The Lynhall
Melissa Kjolsing, Cofounder & CEO, Recovree
Sarah Webster Norton, Executive Director, Serving Those Serving
Babette Apland, Managing Director, Mental Health, Minnesota Public RadioEvaluation
Creating the Culture - Room 6
Recruitment and training are a key cost driver, and it hurts when you lose a good employee after investing time and resources. David Benowitz of Craft and Crew knows how important it is to develop and engage hourly employees on a deeper level, and he’s developed proven solutions to help deal with the painful issue of turnover. Join him to learn how you can put it to work in your business.
David Benowitz, Chief Operating Officer, Craft & CrewEvaluation
10:00-11:00am Morning Keynote with Chad Houser
Why Kids, Knives & Fire is a Good Thing - Ballroom A/B
Always one to add a little levity to the conversation, Chad often describes Café Momentum as “taking kids out of jail and teaching them to play with knives and fire.” But it’s this charisma and passion to teach life, social and employment skills to Dallas’ most at-risk youth that makes him a hit with everyone from philanthropists and dinner-goers to the young people participating in the program.
After 17 years as a chef, Chad sold his partnership of Parigi Restaurant in 2012 to devote his full attention to the role of Executive Director of Café Momentum.
Chad will entertain you with his insights and humor to tell his story of how using his skills and passion allowed him innovate in a way that helps solve workforce challenges and gives hope to a population often forgotten. As he says, the kids 'run the restaurant' but refer to their work not as a job, but as a family.
Chad Houser, Founder, Executive Director and Head Chef, Cafe MomentumEvaluation
11:00am-4:00pm Exhibitor Hall open
11:00am-4:00pm Mixology Lounge open
Bringing our culture of innovation and creativity to the forefront with a twist on the traditional expo setting featuring local and national brand beverage experts
• Showcasing beverage trends and ingredients on the horizon
• Inspiring connection and interest in the adjuncts of the beverage industry
• Expressing creativity through demonstrations and sampling
Monin - 11-11:40am
Bauhaus Brew Labs 11:45am-12:15pm
Bittercube - 12:20-12:50pm
Bombay Sapphire - 12:55-1:25pm
Rishi Tea and Botanicals - 1:50-2:20
Heirloom Liquors - 2:20-2:50pmEvaluation
11:00 am-1:45 pm Demo Stage demonstrations
Delicious culinary demonstrations beverage mixes
11:10am: Chef Bill Frost, Reinhart
11:45am: Chef Eric Schmitt, Reunion Restaurant
12:30pm: Chef Jarred Brewington, Funky Grits
1:15pm: Mixologist Heather Lance, MoninEvaluation
11:10-11:40am Learning Hub Sessions (Expo Hall)
3 Different Topics to help you solve challenges with your Workforce, in Doing Business and Mitigating Risk
1. Worker Opportunity Tax Credit, Payroll and HR benefits integration - Karen Lamb and Dan Martinez, Heartland
2. ServSuccess™ – New comprehensive career-development online training for professional certification for Restaurant Professional, Supervisor and Manager - Guy Weaver, Channel Vice President of Sales, Regional/SRA, National Restaurant Association
3. Short-term Rental Revolution - Ben Wogsland, Director of Government Relations, Hospitality MinnesotaEvaluation
11:45am-1:00pm Lunch provided
1:00-1:45pm Educational Breakout Session
Managing the $15 Minimum Wage - Room 2-3
The scaling up to a $15 minimum wage has begun. How will it impact your business? Are you prepared? What are some real-world strategies helping businesses to get out in front of this change? This panel session will provide insights and strategies about how to adjust your business model in order to comply with the new minimum wage ordinances being implemented around the state and around the country.
Donna Fahs, COO, Parasole Restaurant Holdings, Inc.
Brent Frederick, Owner, Jester Concepts
JJ Haywood, CEO, Pizza Lucé
Rick Oknick, Director of Operations, Republic Hospitality Group
Alex Roberts, Head Chef, Founder Restaurant Alma, Café Alma, Hotel Alma, Brasa RotisserieEvaluation
Evolving your Brand for the Experience Economy - Room 4-5
We’ve moved into the “Experience Economy.” Has your brand moved with it? Goods and services are no longer enough. Your future economic growth lies in the value of providing experiences as a competitive advantage. Join our panelists for a lively look at how they are capitalizing on this new era by creating unique experiences for their customers. Learn how to align your brand with the memorable experiences customers are looking for today.
Frank Soukup, Director of Marketing, Grand View Lodge
Chris Flagg, Chief Information Investment Officer, TPI Hospitality
Robin Pfeifer, Account Director, Adventure Creative
Dick Lynch, CEO, Granite City Food & Brewing Ltd.Evaluation
Hiring the Best, Engage them Next - Room 6
Stuart Gray, the force behind Hospitality Rocks, brings his passion for training, recruiting and speaking to this Conference & Expo session on finding the best people – and keeping them. In today’s tight, multi-generational job market, owners and managers need a creative and nimble approach to recruitment and retention.
Stuart Gray, Owner, Hospitality RocksEvaluation
2:00-2:30pm Learning Hub sessions (Expo Hall)
3 Different Topics to help you solve challenges with your Workforce, in Doing Business and Mitigating Risk
1. How to Optimize the Back-Office with a Restaurant Management System, Cody Lynch, Business Development, Midwest, MarginEdge
2. ServSuccess™ – New comprehensive career-development online training for professional certification for Restaurant Professional, Supervisor and Manager - Guy Weaver, Channel Vice President of Sales, Regional/SRA, National Restaurant Association
3. Liquor Training - Learn MN Latest Rules of the Road for your Business, Kim Brown, President, KLB InsuranceEvaluation
2:30-3:15pm Educational Breakout Session
Sources to Fund your Business - Room 2-3
Looking for funding opportunities for your business? The options are endless, and can be puzzling at times. This session will provide practical and valuable funding information about what to look for based on business goals and objectives. Panelists will address the benefits and requirements of each type of capital source to help determine which funding option makes the best sense.
Dennis Monroe, Co-Founder and Chairman, Monroe Moxness Berg PA
Matty O'Reilly, Co-Founder, Banner Year Advisors
John Remakel, Shareholder, Monroe Moxness Berg
Peter Haeg, Co-General Partner of Farnam Street CapitalEvaluation
Sustainability, From Compliance to Competitive Advantage - Room 4-5
Local, state and federal policies are defining more and more rules around food waste management, packaging, and energy and water conservation. As much as you might want to implement new sustainability processes, you know it will likely be at the expense of other priorities. There is an up-side. It turns out many of your customers want to support businesses that demonstrate good sustainability practices. Join us to explore how your business can comply with regulations and gain a competitive advantage to improve the bottom line.
Rob Friend, Executive Director, Minnesota Waste Wise Foundation
Karen Anderson, Director of Community Relations, Western Lake Superior Sanitary District
Tom Mason, Inventory Control Manager and Sustainability Project Leader, Mystic Lake Casino/Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Molly Hull, Director of Brand Development, Clarity Coverdale FuryEvaluation
Lawsuits, Compliance and the ADA - Room 6
ADA lawsuits are not just for brick-and-mortar. Are your website and online reservation portals ADA compliant? Have you received threats of a lawsuit? Arm yourself with information and get out in front of costly litigation with this practical session, led by Michael Frasier of Rubric Legal and Anne Sallee of DigiPro, on what you need to know to make certain your website complies with the ADA.
Michael Frasier, Partner, Rubric Legal LLC
Anne Sallee, Senior Account Manager, DigiPro MediaEvaluation
3:30-4:45pm Afternoon Keynote session with David Scott Peters
You've got this: The Secrets to Holding Yourself and your Management Team Accountable - Ballroom A/B
You’ve spent the day learning and thinking. Now, wrap up it up with David Scott Peters’ energizing and practical keynote.
David Scott Peters is a coach and speaker who specializes in teaching hospitality industry operators how to cut costs and increase profits with systems and his trademark formula for success. He uses a no-BS style to teach and motivate operators and managers to take control of their businesses and finally realize their full potential. Thousands of hospitality industry operations have used his formula to transform their businesses. Peters is also a coach and principal in The Largo Group, an accounting firm concentrating on the specific needs of restaurants. To learn more about David Scott Peters, his formula, his online courses or The Largo Group, visit davidscottpeters.com.
David Scott Peters, Hospitality industry speaker and coachEvaluation
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