11:00am-4:00pm Mixology Lounge open
Bringing our culture of innovation and creativity to the forefront with a twist on the traditional expo setting featuring local and national brand beverage experts
• Showcasing beverage trends and ingredients on the horizon
• Inspiring connection and interest in the adjuncts of the beverage industry
• Expressing creativity through demonstrations and sampling
Monin - 11-11:40am
Bauhaus Brew Labs 11:45am-12:15pm
Bittercube - 12:20-12:50pm
Bombay Sapphire - 12:55-1:25pm
Rishi Tea and Botanicals - 1:50-2:20
Heirloom Liquors - 2:20-2:50pm
Questions: Email Moe@HospitalityMN.com
Technical Support: help@voicehive.com