Managing the $15 Minimum Wage - Room 2-3
1:00-1:45pm Educational Breakout Session
The scaling up to a $15 minimum wage has begun. How will it impact your business? Are you prepared? What are some real-world strategies helping businesses to get out in front of this change? This panel session will provide insights and strategies about how to adjust your business model in order to comply with the new minimum wage ordinances being implemented around the state and around the country.
Donna Fahs, COO, Parasole Restaurant Holdings, Inc.Brent Frederick, Owner, Jester Concepts
JJ Haywood, CEO, Pizza Lucé
Rick Oknick, Director of Operations, Republic Hospitality Group
Alex Roberts, Head Chef, Founder Restaurant Alma, Café Alma, Hotel Alma, Brasa Rotisserie
Questions: Email Moe@HospitalityMN.com
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